The path to mediocrity and gatekeeping

So, I left GitHub. Thankfully so. Only at my work, and because I’m working on Atom, I keep code on that service.

For a while GitHub was degrading into a service that I felt I was not the target client anymore. In the beginning, GitHub felt like a social network for nerds – a place where we could share code, make pull requests, make the code talk instead of other things. Forking was not a bad thing anymore, because we could track who forked, what they were working on, and how to contribute or get their changes in any time.

Now, GitHub feels more like a enterprise thing where things are bureaucratic and you can’t trust anyone. A place filled over the top with telemetry, where you and your code are the product (regardless of which license you choose for your code) and where you must add “rules” for everything otherwise you’ll be bothered over and over again.

I’m referring to the new “please protect you branches” and “add requirements to merge PRs” popups, obviously.