HackerNews, Pulsar, and my answer

First things first: I refuse to create an account on HackerNews. It’s honestly one of the most toxic programming communities that I know of. One thing that always come to my mind when somebody links me an article on HackerNews is the phrase:

The person who says it can’t be done should stop bothering the one doing it

Seems that this first phrase was written, without attribution on the “Puck” magazine under a slight different wording and meaning, but I honestly prefer this newer version. Anyway, back to HackerNews, somebody posted about Pulsar on it. And, as always, the comments are mostly negative. This basically triggered me a lot more than I would like, so instead of creating an account and giving them more visibility, I prefer to address these issues on my blog – so I don’t risk being triggered even more when some stupid keyboard warrior writes nonsense on why our work is useless (I told you I got triggered by the comments!).

So, to answer many of the stupid remarks on the site: