Git is a distributed version control system – let’s use it as such

Here, I’m going to talk about git. Simply git. That’s all.

Git is a version control. It means that, for text files, it’ll store differences between a version and another.
Git is distributed. Meaning that multiple people can work on the same file and sometimes even on the same feature and one will not step on each others’ toes.
Git is semi-immutable. A commit is a fixed, immutable point in time containing the difference between the last version and the new version.

Now, let’s talk about what git is not

My last experience with Ruby

On my last job I tried to go back to Ruby programming language. Not really by choice – but just because it was a language and was familiar with, and my last two jobs in Clojure didn’t really work out for me (not because of the language, really). I even imagined that some things would be easier in Ruby, specially while working with relational databases (something I really did miss while I was working in the Clojure language).

At the time, in my opinion, Rails was still a great framework – maybe a little too complex. And I imagined that somehow there could be better ways of doing Ruby code that could use the best parts of Rails and avoid the worst (like ActiveRecord, for example, maybe even substitute it with Sequel or ROM).

No a year and a half later I’m back to Clojure – and I will probably never go back to Ruby. And the reason is quite simple: I was working with Ruby doing exactly the same code that I did about three years ago. Rails didn’t change that much, but still was a huge mess when you had to upgrade from one version to another. The same problems I had in the past kept happening again and again, and it felt like a huge step backwards for me.