CommonJS is not a problem – the Javascript ecosystem is
Recently I came across this post saying that CommonJS is hurting the JavaScript world. And while I do agree that the CommonJS specification was not a good one, I also disagree a lot with the article. As someone who have strong opinions about the subject, I decided to write a post about it.
So, here’s the problem: supposing that you have a legacy system that’s years old, and that basically is modular, meaning that people write extensions, or libraries, to that. Like for example, NodeJS’ CommonJS. Now, here’s the problem: if that legacy system is flawed, and you need to change somehow, and your solution is “let’s do something that is better in any way than the older model, it’s faster, etc, but also completely incompatible with the old stuff” – meaning that we have to rewrite everything to be able to be used on this new format – then you’re doing it wrong.